
Professors Hontz and Manning; Professor of Practice Watkins; Associate Professors Andreae and Glotzer; Assistant Professors Lada, Reid, and Starling; Assistant Professor of Practice Gass.

Mission Statement:

The Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Meredith College teaches courses with an emphasis on conceptual understanding, theory, and application. We engage our students intellectually and foster an appreciation for lifelong learning. We provide foundations for further studies and diverse careers that utilize logical reasoning and problem- solving abilities.

Student Learning Outcomes of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department

Students will acquire and develop:

  • quantitative literacy and technological fluency; and
  • the ability to solve problems through a process of conceptual and logical reasoning.

Student Learning Outcomes of the Mathematics Major

Students will be able to:

  • demonstrate understanding of the most important concepts in calculus, statistics, theoretical mathematics, and applied mathematics;
  • solve a variety of problems using appropriate strategies;
  • reason mathematically to construct logical arguments;
  • use appropriate technological tools to support learning and research;
  • work collaboratively and independently to learn mathematics; and
  • communicate knowledge of mathematics in written and oral form.

Student Learning Outcomes of the Computer Science Major

A student who completes a degree in Computer Science will be able to:

  • demonstrate a broad knowledge of hardware, software, and computing fundamentals
  • solve problems using current technologies
  • integrate knowledge to create solutions to complex problems
  • demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors and attitudes

Minors in mathematics, statistics, web development, applied mathematics, data science, and mathematics and computer applications are also offered, along with a variety of support courses for other disciplines.

In addition, the department offers the mathematics and methods courses for middle grades and secondary teacher licensure in North Carolina.

Academic credit for supervised professional employment related to mathematics and/or computer science is available through cooperative education, internships, and special studies.

The Vivian Kraines Freshman-Sophomore Mathematics Competition is held each January, and awards are given to the winners. Each spring the Vallie Tillotson Nelson Award is given to the outstanding freshman in mathematics courses. The Canaday Scholarship is given annually to a rising senior majoring in mathematics, and the Preston Scholarship is given to a student who has excelled in statistics.

Extracurricular activities include participation in national and regional mathematics and computer science competitions. The Canaday Mathematics and Computer Science Club sponsors guest speakers, programs on co- ops and careers, and various other activities. The North Carolina Mu Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, a national honor society in mathematics, also organizes events.

Dual Degree Engineering Program

A Dual Degree Engineering Program is available to Meredith College students. In this 5-year program, a student can receive a Bachelor of Arts degree from Meredith College in Mathematics or Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from NC State University. For details of the program see Focus On Careers. Other engineering dual degree combinations can be found in Chemistry. Interested students should contact the Engineering Program Director at Meredith through the School of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, before they register for their first semester at Meredith College.

Mathematics Placement

A student without credit and advanced placement from high AP scores may request placement in MAT-212, with credit granted for MAT-191 upon completion of MAT-212 with a grade of C or higher. If a student requests placement in MAT-213, credit is given for MAT-212 and MAT-191 upon completion of MAT-213 with a grade of C or higher.

Degrees and Certificates


MAT-130: Exploring With Mathematics

This course emphasizes reasoning and communicating to clarify and refine thinking in practical areas of life. Students will gain confidence in their ability to apply their mathematical skills to applied problems and decision making. Topics will be chosen from: set theory, probability, financial mathematics, visual representation of information, geometry, and graph theory.

MAT-160: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics I: Problem Solving, Number, Operation and Measurement

For prospective elementary teachers. Introduction to mathematics concepts, their understanding and communication. Topics include an introduction to problem solving, set operations and their application to arithmetic, numeration systems, arithmetic, and measurement. Emphasis is on developing a deep understanding of the fundamental ideas of elementary school mathematics.

MAT-170: Trigonometry

This class is intended for students who are preparing to take calculus. Trigonometry will be defined using the unit circle approach, with emphasis on the geometry of the circle. Classical right triangle trigonometry will be studied, along with trigonometric identities and equations, the laws of sines and cosines, and graphs and properties of the trigonometric functions and their inverses. Additional topics from algebra will include logarithmic and exponential functions. A graphical approach will be utilized throughout, with an emphasis on solving application problems. Students will develop skills in basic trigonometry and its applications, with an emphasis on modeling with functions and other algebraic skills necessary for the study of calculus.

MAT-175: Statistics I

A general introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics, designed for non-mathematics majors. Topics include elementary probability, distributions, estimation of population parameters, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression. Students will use statistical analysis technology.

MAT-180: Integrated Precalculus/Calculus A

This course is the first of a two-semester sequence that integrates Precalculus and Calculus I topics. The course includes the study of the geometric and analytic properties of algebraic and transcendental functions. The course will examine limits, continuity, and derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions. Applications of differentiation include motion and related rates.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-170 or placement

MAT-181: Integrated Precalculus/Calculus B

This course is the second of a two-semester sequence that integrates Precalculus and Calculus I topics. The course continues the study of the geometric and analytic properties of algebraic and transcendental functions. The course will explore applications for differentiation including optimization and graphical analysis of functions, as well as the theory of integration and basic integration techniques. Applications of integration include area.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-188: Special Topics in Mathematics

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

MAT-191: Calculus I

A study of functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, and the integral. Applications of differentiation and integration include maxima, minima, marginal cost and revenue, rectilinear motion, and areas. Students will use technology for exploration and problem solving.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-170 or placement.
May be taken without prerequisite courses with department's permission.

MAT-212: Calculus II

A continuation of the calculus of functions of one variable. Topics include volumes of rotation, transcendental functions, integration techniques, polar coordinates, parametric equations, and infinite series. Students will use technology for exploration and problem solving.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-181 or MAT-191
May be taken without prerequisite with department's permission.

MAT-213: Calculus III

A study of vectors in two and three dimensions, vector algebra, vector functions, vector calculus and multivariable calculus. This includes three-dimensional analytic geometry, partial differentiation and multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Divergence Theorem, Stokes' Theorem and applications. Students will use technology for exploration and problem solving.

Required Prerequisites

May be taken without prerequisite with department's permission.

MAT-220: Linear Algebra

A study of vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, and their applications. Students will use technology for exploration and problem solving.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-248: Statistical Concepts and Methods for Mathematicians

An introduction to statistics for mathematically inclined students, focusing on the process of statistical investigations. Observational studies, controlled experiments, sampling, randomization, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, significance tests, confidence intervals, one-and two sample inference procedures, linear regression. Statistical software will be used throughout the course.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-250: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

This course is a study of logic and an introduction to various techniques of mathematical proof, including direct proof, indirect proof, and proof by induction. Students will be involved actively in the construction and exposition of proofs from multiple representations - visually, numerically, symbolically - and will present their reasoning in both oral and written form. Topics covered include sets and basic properties of the integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. Throughout the course, students will explore strategies of problem-solving and active mathematical investigation. After completing this course, a student would have an appropriate background for upper-level theoretical mathematics courses.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisite: MAT-212, or Corequisite: MAT-212 with permission of the instructor.

MAT-260: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics II: Geometry Algebra, Functions, Data Analysis, and Probability

The second course intended for prospective elementary teachers continues an in-depth introduction to mathematical concepts focusing on student understanding and communication. Topics include geometric concepts (shape and space, area and volume, transformations and symmetry), algebraic concepts (patterns, equations, and functions), and statistical concepts (designing investigations, gathering & analyzing data, and basic probability). The course will utilize investigative activities and instructional technology. Emphasis is on developing a deep understanding of the fundamental ideas of elementary school mathematics and transitioning from inductive to deductive reasoning.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-160, and either MAT-175, MAT-181 or MAT-191

MAT-262: Discrete Mathematics

An introduction to various topics chosen from combinatorics, propositional logic and graph theory. Topics include counting techniques, permutations and combinations, induction and recursion, Boolean algebra, planarity, minimal paths and minimum spanning trees.

MAT-288: Special Topics in Mathematics

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

MAT-295: Mathematics Seminar

This course is a seminar intended for students interested in a major in mathematics. Students will be exposed to various areas of mathematics as well as a brief history of mathematics; students will give short presentations about these topics. Co-curricular opportunities as well as career and graduate school opportunities will be discussed. Students will create materials such as cover letters and resumes.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-212 and Sophomore Standing

MAT-299: Introduction to Mathematics Research

This course will provide opportunities for freshmen and sophomores to participate in original research in mathematics. Students will submit findings in a formal written report and will give an oral presentation. Students will be expected to work approximately three hours per week on the research project for each semester hour of credit.

MAT-334: Modern College Geometry

A course emphasizing Euclidean geometry and introducing hyperbolic, elliptic, and transformational geometries. Students will use methods of discovery, construction, and proof to study geometric systems. 

Required Prerequisites

MAT-345: Statistics II

A continuation of MAT-245 which includes one- and two-sample inference, two-way tables, simple and multiple regression, and analysis of variance. Application of these topics will be drawn from business, the social and natural sciences, and other areas. Students will use statistical analysis technology.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-348: Nonparametric Statistics

A study of distribution-free statistical methods. Estimation and hypothesis testing that make relatively mild assumptions about the form of population distribution. Analysis of qualitative (nominal level) and rank (ordinal level) data. Inference for proportions, one- and two-sample location, dispersion, trend, one- and two-way layouts, rank correlation, and regression. Students will use statistical analysis technology. 

Required Prerequisites

MAT-354: Differential Equations

A study of first order differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order, Laplace transforms, series solutions, and applications. Students will use a computer package.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-360: Numerical Analysis

A computer-oriented study of analytical methods in mathematics. Topics include solving non-linear equations, least squares approximation, interpolating polynomials, numerical differentiation, and numerical quadrature.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-371: Mathematical Modeling

A study of mathematical models used in the social and natural sciences and their role in explaining and predicting real world phenomena. The course will emphasize the development of the skills of model building and will address the use of various types of models, such as continuous, discrete, deterministic and statistical models.

Required Prerequisites

MAT-388: Special Topics in Mathematics

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

MAT-410: Advanced Calculus

A rigorous treatment of the foundations of calculus. A study of the algebraic and topological properties of the real numbers; one-variable calculus, including limits, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration, and series of functions. 

Required Prerequisites

MAT-420: Modern Abstract Algebra

A study of general algebraic systems. Topics covered will include relations, mappings, groups, rings, and fields. Group theory is emphasized. 

Required Prerequisites

MAT-450: Topics in Mathematics

Topics chosen from mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. Prerequisites vary with the topics studied. May be repeated for credit.

MAT-488: Special Topics in Mathematics

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

MAT-498: Honors Thesis in Mathematics

In conjunction with a faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute an original research project that will culminate in a paper and a presentation. The research project must meet Honors Program thesis requirements as well as the expectations of the mathematics faculty.

Required Prerequisites

Senior Standing in the Honors and/or Teaching Fellows Programs only.
Or, second semester Junior Standing may enroll with permission of the faculty mentor.

MAT-499: Research in Mathematics

In conjunction with a faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute an original research project that will culminate in a paper and/or a presentation.

Required Prerequisites

Junior or Senior Standing, majoring in Mathematics, and to others by permission of the department.

MAT-760: Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching

Introduces licensure students to the philosophy and objectives of mathematics education. The course will focus on the content of school mathematics and examine closely both state and national recommended standards of school mathematics curricula. The emphasis of the course will be on developing a deep understanding of school mathematics and pedagogical content knowledge- the mathematical knowledge for teaching. Technologies appropriate for conceptual understanding of mathematics will be introduced. A related field component will be required at a local school site.

Required Prerequisites

This class is open to students applying to or accepted in the teacher licensure program: others by permission of the instructor. 

MAT-764: Methods of Teaching Middle and Secondary Mathematics

A continuation of the study of the philosophy and objectives of mathematics education, emphasizing the methods and materials needed for teaching mathematics in the middle and secondary schools. The course will focus on the selection of worthwhile mathematical tasks, planning for instruction, and assessment of student learning. An emphasis will be placed on technology. Students must demonstrate their skills in planning, teaching, assessing, and making instructional decisions based on formative evidence. Field component will be required at the internship site.

Required Prerequisites

Instructor's consent required.