Mathematics Education


MTE-299: Introduction to Mathematics Education Research

This course will provide opportunities for freshmen and sophomores to participate in research in mathematics education. Students will submit findings in a formal written report and will give, if appropriate, a presentation. Students will be expected to work approximately three hours per week on the research project for each semester hour of credit.

MTE-498: Honors Thesis in Mathematics Education

In conjunction with a faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute a research project that will culminate in a paper and a presentation. The research project must meet Honors Program thesis requirements as well as the expectations of the mathematics faculty.

Required Prerequisites

Senior Standing in the Honors and Teaching Fellows Programs only.
Students must also be completing the licensure program.
Second semester Junior Standing may enroll with permission of the faculty mentor.

MTE-499: Research in Mathematics Education

In conjunction with a faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute a research project that will culminate in a paper and/or a presentation.

Required Prerequisites

Junior or Senior Standing, majoring in Mathematics who are also completing the licensure program, and to others by permission of the department.