SOC-520: Victimology

Class Program
Credits 3

This course will introduce the student to the discipline of victimology, an emerging area of specialization in the field of criminology. Emphasis will focus on crime victims and their plight, the relationships between crime victims and other social groups and institutions.  These other groups or institutions include the media, business interests, politicians, special interest groups, and social  movement actors.  The issues of Justice and Redress from the perspective of the victim as well as general society will be stressed.  An overview of victim prevention programs and victim assistance programs will be presented.  Topics such as the Restorative Justice Model, victim Repayment, and Victim/Offender Mediation will be included In the course content.  While the course follows an interdisciplinary approach and is designed for general interest and appeal, it has particular relevance for students drawn from disciplinary interests in the fields of criminal justice, psychology, sociology, education, health care administration, and political science.

Semester Offered
Varies-Contact Prog. Director