
Professors L. Brown and Hess; Assistant Professor Weng.

Meredith offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Sociology and a major in Criminology.

In Criminology, students apply sociological theory and research to the study of crime, including the nature and causes of crime, the prevalence of various types of crime, the problems associated with measuring crime and mechanisms for the control of criminal behavior. The study of criminology is one pathway to a career in the criminal justice system and organizations that work to support justice-involved individuals. 

As part of the Criminology major, students will work in a community internship or service placement with a law enforcement agency or other relevant public or private organization. As a result of these workplace opportunities students will learn more about the field of crime prevention and also make connections that may help them find careers in the field after graduating.

In Sociology, the program encourages within students the development of social consciousness and an understanding of people, both as unique individuals and as members of a particular culture and society. Courses are designed to present multiple perspectives as a solid foundation for employment or for continued study in graduate schools of sociology, social work, and other related fields.

Field projects, community internships, volunteer experiences, service learning and cooperative education placements are available to students to provide them with the knowledge and experience helpful in planning careers. Students are also encouraged to take a career planning seminar offered through the Career Center.

Student Learning Outcomes for Sociology and Criminology

Graduates well-grounded in sociology and criminology will be able to:

  • distinguish between individualistic and systemic arguments;
  • compare and contrast the different disciplinary methodological approaches for gathering and analyzing data;
  • produce and present research using relevant disciplinary methods and theoretical explanations;
  • evaluate the effects of social organization on social behavior and social groups;
  • identify relevant career pathways and exhibit professional behaviors necessary for career success.

Additionally, graduates in criminology will be able to:

  • identify and describe key concepts in criminology.
  • compare and contrast major theoretical orientations and theories in criminology.

And, graduates in sociology will be able to:

  • identify and describe key concepts in sociology.
  • compare and contrast major theoretical orientations and theories in sociology.


The Dedmon Sociology research lab, located in 205A Lux Hall, offers several computers for school work, a small library of sociology books and journals, and a meeting place for students to gather casually for study or dialogue between classes.

Career Directions

Following graduation, sociology majors have entered graduate programs or have found careers in legal services, research institutes, teaching, urban ministries, public relations, job/community development, and in community agencies serving a wide range of target populations or policy issues. All majors in sociology will complete at least one professional internship, allowing students to explore potential career pathways.

Criminology majors can obtain entry-level law enforcement jobs with the federal, state and local agencies. Students can pursue careers in police work, Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole, victim services, or federal jobs such as Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) or with state agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Students also may choose to attend graduate school or law school.

Degrees and Certificates


SOC-100: Principles of Sociology

An introduction to the concepts, methods and theories employed by sociologists to understand societies, social institutions, and the myriad expressions of group life. The course explores the cultural contexts of human behavior to explain individual and group interaction, social mobility and inequality, relations framed by class, gender and race, and patterns of socialization, deviance and social change.

SOC-188: Special Topics in Sociology

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

SOC-220: Gender and Society

What does sex have to do with gender? What does gender have to do with social systems? This course explores these questions by looking at the ways in which sociologists have theorized and written about gender. Students will explore what it means to understand gender as a social and cultural construct as well as the impact that these constructions have on the lived experiences of individuals in society. Additionally, the course will examine the complex ways in which gender intersects and interacts with other facets of our social identities including race, class, and sexual orientation.

SOC-231: Social Problems

This examination of American Society places an emphasis on the institutional bases of social problems and conflict, as well as the policies designed to address these problems. Topics include poverty, racism, environmental threat, crime and violence, and other contemporary challenges. Attention is consistently directed to the influences of these social problems on women's lives as well as the ethical dilemmas and debates surrounding the solutions to these problems.

SOC-235: Applied Quantitative Research

In this course, students will learn to use quantitative data through participation in an applied research project. Students will identify appropriate quantitative data to answer a research question and then use technological tools to organize, analyze and present that data. By the conclusion of the course students will generate a tangible product showcasing their participation in this project.

SOC-236: Criminology

This course explores questions about the criminal law, criminal conduct, the risks of criminal victimization and prevailing crime control policies. Theories developed to explain why individuals offend and why crime rates vary are examined in light of research findings, so that students gain a thorough understanding of crime and its causes. These ideas are applied to conventional street crime as well as to organized crime and elite crime.

SOC-240: Introduction to Forensic Studies

This course is intended to offer students an overview of various elements of the criminal investigation process, from police detective work to forensic science processes. We will use a sociological perspective to examine such topics as: homicide investigation, cold case files, and police investigative techniques and an introduction to forensic analyses including fingerprinting, ballistics, forensic accounting, cyber forensics, and DNA processes. Students will learn about changes over time investigation techniques and science applications in the criminal justice system and how these changes have affected political, social and economic interests in society.

SOC-242: Deviance and Society

This course is based on the premise that deviance is a socially constructed phenomenon. This means that the attributes, behaviors and conditions humans label 'deviant' vary over time and place, as do societal reactions to them. Students will be introduced to agents of social control, both formal and informal, as well as the role such control and power differentials plays in defining, labeling, and sanctioning deviant behavior. The material covered in the course examines theories of deviant behavior, how social scientists study deviant behavior, how deviant behavior is socially constructed, how people manage deviant identities, how relationships operate in deviant subcultures and countercultures, and the relationships between deviant subcultures and mainstream culture.

SOC-260: Cultural Anthropology

Understanding the power of culture in shaping our lives depends on knowing the ways of life displayed all around the world. This course introduces students to the discoveries of anthropologists as they have lived among preliterate and preindustrial people, and as they apply their signature methodologies to culturally distinctive communities in today's world. Comparing how a range of cultures address the challenges of social existence sets the stage for enlightening dialogue.

SOC-288: Special Topics in Sociology

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

SOC-299: Introduction to Research in Sociology

Open to freshmen and sophomores who have an interest in sociology and who would like to work individually with a faculty member on a project involving research on an issue from a sociological perspective. The student will formulate and execute a research project at an intermediate level of complexity and present results to an appropriate public audience. A research proposal form completed by the student and the faculty mentor is required for registration.

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.
Freshman or Sophomore standing.

SOC-332: Human Sexuality

The research literature on sexual interests, behaviors and relationships is reviewed through study of the changing practices and perceptions of sexuality in America. Topics include the cultural construction of sex, the process of learning to be sexual, sexual deviance, the influence of marriage, and the interplay between sex and power in our society. Recognition of both risks and rewards associated with sexuality provides the context for studying controversial policies in society.

SOC-335: Race and Ethnic Relations

Patterns of relationship among racial and ethnic groups in the United States are analyzed. This course explores inequalities of wealth, power, and status along with the persistence of racism, movements to advance civil rights and efforts by groups to maintain social boundaries. Current trends in intergroup relations are discussed to explore how changing demographic racial patterns may affect future definitions of race and ethnicity. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-337: Corrections

A study of the criminal justice system; police, attorneys, courts, judges, jails, prisons, parole. Attention is given to conflicting punishment philosophies and practices. Studies of inmate society are highlighted in this survey of America's attempts to correct the crime problem.

Required Prerequisites

3 credits from Department SOC

SOC-338: Sociology of Families

This course will provide students with an overview of the family from a sociological perspective. Students in the course will examine transformation of the family across time as well as its position as both a private and public institution. Topics include defining the family, gender and power, courtship and marriage, parenting, divorce and remarriage, work, and family violence. Particular attention is placed on the roles of women in the family and the ways in which families impact the lived experiences of the women in them. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-340: Sociology of Aging

As the elderly population increases what challenges do these individuals face and what impact will they have on society? Students in this course will examine the physical, psychological and sociological dimensions of the aging process in order to gain insight on these questions. Topics include retirement, poverty and old age, Social Security and Medicare debates, long term care and end of life decisions, and issues related to the growing elderly population in the United States. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-342: Juvenile Delinquency

This course examines the nature and extent of juvenile delinquency, measurement issues and the various sociological and other relevant social science theories of the causes of this phenomenon. Policy implications of these theories and the current research in the field and historical trends in juvenile delinquency are discussed and evaluations of treatment and prevention programs in the local community as well as the larger society are examined. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-343: Sociology of Murder

This course will analyze homicide from macro and micro sociological perspectives. We will critically analyze the phenomenon of homicide and the reactions to it both broadly (macro) and deeply (micro). Using sociological imagination to understanding homicide from a critical perspective in which the relationship between the lives of individuals and the larger social forces that help to shape their lives will be identified. We will focus on political, economic and cultural forces including gender and race that impact on homicide and how individuals in society view and react to different types of homicide. We will discuss the consequences of homicide for both individuals and society, and different types of possible intervention strategies based on different theoretical approaches to the socio-scientific study of murder. We will explore reasons, and possible implications, for the fascination surrounding homicide in the United States. We will examine the laws, the courts, and how law enforcement investigate homicide cases.

SOC-344: Visual Sociology

In this course we will explore how visual methods - mainly photography and film - are used to examine society and culture. At the core of our course is a focus on two themes: (1) how to use visual methods to capture and interpret sociological phenomena, and (2) the impact that visual images and representations have on individuals, groups, and society. Throughout the course, we will also consider how visual images construct, shape, and alter our reality. You will be introduced to a range of visual methodologies used by sociologists and other social scientists, including documentary photography, photo essay, photovoice, and documentary filmmaking. Some other themes of the course include: ethics and privacy in documentary work, using images for social change, participatory research, and changing visual media. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-346: Anthropology of Religion

This course focuses on the ways in which religion and human culture intersect. We will look at such themes as myth, symbol, magic and ritual and see how they contribute to the formation of human societies. Students will engage in a local field research project to learn how anthropologists study religion.

Required Prerequisites

One 100-level RES course or by permission of instructor

SOC-348: Sociology of Zombies

This course will examine the current popularity of TV shows and movies about Zombies. What social concerns does this popular culture phenomenon reflect--fears about the government response to pandemics, self-defense, or just our general nervousness about death? The course will analyze the first two seasons of the TV show, The Walking Dead in terms of the effect on society and group formation in the aftermath of a major pandemic. We will discuss issues about when violence is acceptable, the ways that group dynamics in survival situations is presented, and the gender, social class and race issues acted out among the primary case members. What happens in a crisis that is so dramatically social and what is acceptable behavior in order to survive?

SOC-360: Media, Self and Society

What is 'the media' and how can it impact the ways in which we see the world and ourselves in it? This course will examine these questions as we examine the roles that various media forms play in our society, particularly in regards to issues of identity across lines of race, class, gender and sexuality. Students will examine historical and theoretical aspects of the media from both sociological and cultural studies perspectives, the ways in which mainstream and alternative media construct identities, and the impact that these images have on the society in which they circulate. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-374: Social Research Principles

This course will explore the logic of scientific inquiry. Throughout the course, students will explore the relationship between theory and methodology, the nature of causation, components of research design, and a variety of methods for social science research. Guidance in retrieving information, reviewing and evaluating research reports, and constructing a research proposal is provided. 

Required Prerequisites

SOC-388: Special Topics in Sociology

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

SOC-410: Women and Prison

This course will examine the causes and consequences of women's incarceration. We will use sociological and criminological theorizing to understand why and how women's incarceration rates have increased over the last three decades. We will examine the impact this trend has on individuals, families and communities. Key topics within the course include: women's pathways to criminal involvement; the relationship between women's physical and sexual victimization and their incarceration; the impacts of women's incarceration on children and families; and current efforts to re-integrate women into society post-incarceration. Although we will focus mainly on incarcerated women in contemporary culture, we will also consider other historical contexts, such as the origins of women's "reformatories" and the evolution of women's incarceration over time. To deepen our understanding of these issues, we will also apply an intersectional analysis to focus on how marginalized women are impacted by the criminal justice system and mass incarceration.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses, or permission of instructor

SOC-421: Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence

This course will examine the intersections of gender and violence. We will use sociological theorizing to understand why, how, and when violence is gendered and assess the impact and consequences on individuals, communities, and society. Key topics within the course include: rape and sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, female genital mutilation, mass shootings, war, pornography, violence against LGBTQ people, and sex trafficking. To deepen our understanding of these issues, we will also apply an intersectional analysis to focus on how different marginalized groups are impacted by gender-based violence. Although we focus mainly on contemporary gender-based violence in the U.S., we will also consider other cultural and historical contexts.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-422: Genders and Sexualities

Our ideas about gender - about women, men, masculinity, and femininity - as well as our ideas about sexuality - about sexual activities, whom should have sex with whom - organize our social life in important ways that we often do not even notice. These ideas are either invisible to us (such that we take them for granted as "normal") or are explained away (such that they seem like the "natural" way life works). In this course we investigate and expose those aspects of social life that often go unquestioned. We will critically examine the ways in which gender and sexuality inform and are informed by the social world in which we live. We will identify the gender and sexual hierarchies in US society. And, we will look at attempts to destabilize these hierarchies.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-430: Population Dynamics

Trace the effects of births, deaths and migration on population size, composition and distribution around the world. Examine the effects of population changes on the environment, the world's resources, and on global security. Socioeconomic, political and religious institutions will be explored and the status of women around the world will be related to demographic change. Demographic trends in the United States are evaluated in the context of global influence. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses, or at least 75 total credit hours

SOC-431: Sociology of Inequalities

Explanations for social inequality are considered along with current research on class, status, power, and social mobility. Both national and international patterns of wealth and poverty are inspected to explain "who gets what and why." Inequalities of households, of population groups and of nations as they participate on the global stage receive specific treatment. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-442: The Color of Crime

This course examines the roles of minorities as offenders, victims, and employees in the criminal justice system. An assessment of statistics, research, and the literature as it relates to minorities and crime will be included. Public perceptions of race and crime and the interactions of police, courts and juries in terms of the race of victims and perpetrators will be examined. Research on racial bias in jury decisions, sentencing, and the death penalty will also be reviewed. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-443: Women and Crime

This course focuses on the experiences of women in the criminal justice system. The study of crime throughout our history has focused overwhelmingly on males and this has often resulted in hiding the experiences of women. We will examine how gender shapes women's experiences as victims, as offenders and career professionals in law enforcement. The experiences of women in prison and the effect on their families will be examined. The intersections of race and social class will be examined as well. 

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-444: Social Interaction

This course introduces the basic sociological concepts underpinning the study of social interaction. This content is grounded in the sociological subfield of social psychology and microsociology. After exploring the foundational questions, concepts and theories of social interaction, students will examine the role that socially constructed identities play in producing social interaction, looking at patterns of interaction through the lenses of gender, race, class, age and sexuality. The course will examine the interplay between various levels of social interaction, particularly between the individual and the institutional settings of social life.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses, or permission of instructor

SOC-446: Drugs and Society

The purpose of this course is to analyze the organization and consumption of drugs in the United States. Both legal and illegal drug use will be examined in terms of consumption and legal issues as well as social effects on individuals, families and communities. The politics and economics of both pharmacological and criminal justice institutions and drugs will be examined.

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-449: Sociology of the Border

This course focuses on the border between the US and Mexico, a border that is over 2,000 miles between two countries which are very different. The course will examine the push/pull factors that have led to immigration from Mexico, and some of the changes in that situation in recent years. The role of the border patrol in regulating the border and dealing with crime and the unique culture created along the border with the mix of cultures will be examined. Topics include the drug trade, violence against women, the economic realities of businesses on both sides of the border and finally the current politics of immigration in both the US and Mexico.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-480: Community Internship

The internship is a learning experience involving work in a community, criminal justice or criminological setting. Interns are expected to gain valuable work experience as well as relevant knowledge which will add to their overall understanding of the field of sociology or criminology. Internship positions must center on learning new material over the course of the semester and interns are expected to participate in ongoing training and development.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-481: Community Internship Capstone

This internship experience is only available to majors in Criminology or double majors in Sociology & Criminology and is an advanced learning experience involving work in a community, criminal justice or other criminological setting. This internship placement involves work in a community placement, a research component and a public presentation on this work to faculty and students in the program. Students must complete work at a placement that connects to the field of criminology.

Required Prerequisites

Junior or Senior standing only

SOC-488: Special Topics in Sociology

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

SOC-489: Social Theory

From the origins of sociological thinking to the current controversies regarding social action and social structure, explanations developed by sociologists to describe and to demystify society are studied and applied. Ideas advanced by Durkheim, Marx and Weber are followed by extensions and alternatives up to and including the Frankfurt School, Feminism and Post Modernism.

Required Prerequisites

At least 6 credit hours of SOC courses.

SOC-495: Professional Development

This career/graduate school preparation course for the Sociology or Criminology major is an opportunity for students to make plans for their futures after graduation. Students will complete a variety of exercises and oral presentations meant to prepare them for graduate school or a job in public service, law enforcement, the non-profit sector or the private sector.

Required Prerequisites

Sociology or Criminology majors only.
Senior standing or permission of instructor.

Required Corequisites

SOC-496 or permission of the instructor

SOC-496: Research Capstone

This capstone course for the Sociology or Criminology major is an opportunity for students to use their sociological imaginations to formulate solutions to the problems that face our world today. All students will utilize sociological or criminological theories, literature, methods and data to explore a macro-level social problem chosen by the sociology faculty. Findings of the semester long project will be presented to sociology faculty, students, and the broader Meredith Community. In addition, students will develop a resume and prepare for a career or graduate school after graduation.

Required Prerequisites

SOC-374, and either MAT-175 or MAT-248
Junior or Senior standing

SOC-498: Honors Thesis in Sociology

In conjunction with a sociology faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute a research project at an advanced level of complexity that will culminate in a paper and presentation. The project must meet Honors Program thesis requirements as well as the expectations of the sociology faculty. A research proposal form completed by the student, faculty mentor, and Honors Program director is required for registration.

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses., SOC-374, and either MAT-175, MAT-248
Senior standing, members of the Honors and/or Teaching Fellows Programs

SOC-499: Research in Sociology

In conjunction with a sociology faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute a research project at an advanced level of complexity that will culminate in a paper and presentation. A research proposal form completed by the student and faculty mentor is required for registration.

Required Prerequisites

At least 3 credit hours of SOC courses, SOC-374, and either MAT-175, MAT-248
Junior or Senior standing, Sociology majors, and others by permission

SOC-501: Foundations of Criminal Justice Administration

This course provides an analysis of the United States criminal justice system; including the role of justice agencies in societal response to crime. An examination of the knowledge base of criminal justice; issues, problems, trends will be a focus as well.  Particular emphasis is placed on theory and research bearing upon the effectiveness of the policies and strategies of the principal institutions of the criminal justice system - the police, courts and corrections and in particular how race, social class and gender impact on these issues.  Additionally, philosophical and practical matters pertaining to "justice" and "fairness" in the administration of the criminal law are explored.

SOC-502: Criminological Theory

This course explores potential answers to complex and important questions about criminal behavior by drawing on the social science of criminology. The primary emphasis of this course will be discussing and evaluating major explanations or theories of crime. The course will include sociological, biological, political, psychological and economic explanations for crime. The course will include a focus on the historical development of the theories, their major assumptions and propositions, their relevance for public policy and practice. As we progress through each explanation for crime, we critically evaluate the validity of different explanations for crime as well as criminal justice policies and practices that they support.

SOC-503: Data Analysis/Criminal Justice

This course introduces students to the use of quantitative data in analyzing the criminal justice system.  It serves as an introduction to the statistical methods used in applied social science research and furthers students' understanding of the role statistical analysis plays in planning and policy development.  The course will review fundamentals of research showing the interplay between the theory, the research, the statistical methods and the interpretation. Introduces the techniques of statistical analysis used for evaluation and policy purposes.  Pertinent examples will be discussed including such topics as probability, statistical inference, significance testing, descriptive statistics, and multivariate analysis. 

Required Prerequisites

Students who have not taken an introductory course in statistics within the past five years will be required to take a college-level statistics course as a prerequisite.

SOC-504: Research Methods Criminal Justice

This course introduces students to the practice, theory and philosophy of social science research, with a special focus on criminal justice.  It not only broadens students' knowledge of the ethical issues associated with research, but also introduces them to a variety of research techniques such as surveys, field research and experimental designs. Research Methods will lay the foundation for  students to become informed "consumers" of research, as well as "producers" of this information.

SOC-506: Writing in Criminal Justice

This course will focus on the mechanics of writing for criminal justice settings. HR Reports, investigation reports, incident/scene documentation, general reports, memos, emails, letters, responsive correspondence, program proposals, report writing, grant proposal fundamentals and program assessments will be included. Overall comprehension of the various methods and writing needs required in Criminal Justice settings will be discussed.

SOC-507: Gender & Criminal Justice

This course focuses on the experiences of men and women in the criminal justice system. It will cover the history of criminological theory on gender, application of mainstream criminological theory to gender, and  differences for men and women as offenders, victims, and professionals in the criminal justice system. This includes exploring the role of gender in offending, victimization, and criminal justice processing. This course also evaluates the influence of gender on working in criminal justice professions. Criminological and victimological theories are assessed in light of gender and the relationship between gender and criminal justice.

SOC-508: CJ, Substance Use & Addiction

This course will explore the correlation between crime and addiction as experienced by the various branches of the Criminal Justice System in the United States and the role of these agencies as a part of prevention, treatment, social responsibility and punishment. The exploration of alternative justice methods as well as traditional justice responses will be discussed.

SOC-511: Human Behavior & Crime

This course tries to find an answer to why people commit crimes by considering personality factors of the offender in response to situational variables.  The focus will be on theories of crime, biological and psychological models of criminal behavior, crime and mental disorders, human aggression and violent crime, delinquent behavior from criminal behavior, how to profile an offender based on their actions, risk factors in human development and policies of crime prevention.  The psychological implications of criminal behavior, criminal justice decision-making, jury selection, witness recall, sentencing,  prisonization, and correctional treatment.  Considering physiological, psychological and  pharmacological factors, we explore the influence of family, peers and the effects of alcohol and drugs on the incidence of criminal behavior.  And we examine how the urban and social environment  encourages (or inhibits) opportunities to commit crime.  Recent research finding will be incorporated in the readings.

SOC-512: Drugs Crime & Criminal Justice System

This course emphasizes a sociological understanding of drug use and abuse and drug policy.  In order to understand drug use and abuse it is necessary to understand the chemical properties of the substances at issue, the attributes of the people who use and abuse drugs and the norms and characteristics of the society in which the substance use occurs.  There will be an examination of the nature and scope of the relationship between drugs (including alcohol) and crime and violence, and the effect of drug legislation on the criminal justice system.  We will examine literature on the drugs-crime relationship and explore various approaches to collecting data on drug use and abuse in society.

SOC-513: Trauma & Criminal Behavior

This course will focus on understanding how mental health varies over the lifespan. This course introduces students to the physical, cognitive and psychological aspects of human  development from birth through advanced old age and how mental illness and trauma affect behavior which may lead to contact with the criminal justice system.  Content in this course will focus on a practical understanding of trauma and mental illness in general criminal justice settings.  There will be a focus on Crisis Intervention Training/Team (CIT) where there is a holistic approach in addressing the role of addiction and behavioral health concerns in the management of people, including offenders and detainees.  The course will cover material on how to improve communication skills, learn how to make an initial assessment and determine an appropriate response, and how to identify a crisis and response.  The course will utilize case studies or real situations for discussion.

SOC-515: Seminar in Graduate Studies

This course provides students in the 3+2 Program with mentoring and support as they take graduate courses in their last year of undergraduate work. Students will meet weekly to discuss writing, reading and data analysis required in graduate courses. Strategies in terms of time management, dealing with outside work and handling family issues while in graduate school will be discussed. Discussions about careers in Criminal Justice will be included. 

SOC-518: Custodial Care, Criminal Justice & the Law

In this course, students will examine the legal requirements of arrest, detention, and full incarceration of those in the Criminal Justice system. Legal issues around confinement and mental health, substance use disorder, pregnancy and medical issues will be examined. Legal responsibilities around nutrition, use of force, and recreation and contact with family will be discussed. Legal issues around language competency, mental disability, gender identity and sexual orientation in detention will also be addressed.

SOC-520: Victimology

This course will introduce the student to the discipline of victimology, an emerging area of specialization in the field of criminology. Emphasis will focus on crime victims and their plight, the relationships between crime victims and other social groups and institutions.  These other groups or institutions include the media, business interests, politicians, special interest groups, and social  movement actors.  The issues of Justice and Redress from the perspective of the victim as well as general society will be stressed.  An overview of victim prevention programs and victim assistance programs will be presented.  Topics such as the Restorative Justice Model, victim Repayment, and Victim/Offender Mediation will be included In the course content.  While the course follows an interdisciplinary approach and is designed for general interest and appeal, it has particular relevance for students drawn from disciplinary interests in the fields of criminal justice, psychology, sociology, education, health care administration, and political science.

SOC-521: Big Data & Criminal Justice

The growing use of data-centric technologies is transforming criminal justice in the United States.  These technologies affect the scale and nature of collected data, enable the detection of discriminatory patterns of policing and influence bail recommendations for pretrial detainees and management of prison populations.  Modern computational and statistical methods offer the promise of increased efficiency, equity, and transparency, but their use raises complex legal, social, and ethical questions.  In this course, we will discuss the application of techniques from machine learning and statistics to a variety of criminal justice issues, analyze recent court decisions, and examine the relationships among law, public policy, and data.  Special attention is paid to the rules of evidence as they apply to electronic or digital evidence, the role of expert witnesses, and the laws and regulations governing electronic surveillance.

SOC-522: Cybercrime

This course will provide students with an overview of computer crime, the legislative responses to computer crime and the issues encountered by police when enforcing laws in cyberspace. Emphasis is on how  communication technologies can be targets of crime, instruments of crime and important sources of criminal evidence.  The global reach of the Internet, the low marginal cost of online activity, and the relative anonymity of users have contributed to a wide escalation in cybercrimes.  Consequently, information and communications technologies (ICT) are being increasingly employed to instigate threats to global civil society.  This course provides an overview of cybercrime and the digital law enforcement practices put in place to respond to them.  The course will focus on the types and extent of current cybercrimes, how the justice system responds to these crimes, the various constitutional protections afforded to computer users, the law and policies that govern cybercrime detection and prosecution, and related technologies.

SOC-525: Sex Offender Behavior

In this course, students will examine the nature and etiology of the major categories of sex offenses. Students will evaluate federal and local sex offender legislation, as well as community supervision and reentry issues that offenders face. Students will also survey theoretical approaches to sex crimes and offenders. Upon completion of this course, students will gain insight into the characteristics of sex offenders while exploring the legal and custodial challenges of those that work with this population. This includes the long-term consequences of their offenses as it relates to offender recidivism, community supervision and resources.

SOC-526: Violence & Threat Assessment

In this course, students will examine trends in violence and aggression in society. There will be a focus on the origins and determinants of violence and aggression and the impact of these actions on the public. The focus will be on operational contexts with a focus on the violence risk posed by persons of interest who are under investigation, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of offenses. In addition, at the organizational context, the violence risk posed toward police, public safety professionals or even the violence risk posed by professionals toward coworkers or members of the public will be examined. Based on the content focused on experiences and research, the students will consider what kinds of harm someone might perpetrate, against which victims, at which time or locations and what steps
can be taken to mitigate the risks posed and prevent violence?

SOC-530: White Collar Crime

This course will examine the nature and extent of corporate and white collar crime, including detection, deterrence, and criminal liability sanctions, as well as the social and legal changes related to corporate illegality.  Students will use case materials which address securities fraud, money "laundering",  professional deviance, and political corruption, in addition to other topics. Students will also analyze policy responses including RICO and other laws, regulations and court processing.  The course will include analysis of several forms of white collar (corporate and individual) crime, the relevance of
law-making to lawbreaking, problems of detection and punishment and the causes of this social
problem.  Discussion of policy evaluation and suggested reforms will take place.

SOC-535: Juvenile Justice & Youth Crime

This course will provide an examination of key issues associated with youth and crime in the United States and the educational, social and cultural efforts to reduce youth involvement with guns, drugs and gangs. Theoretical perspectives regarding the creation of Childhood as a social construct and the etiology of juvenile offending will be examined.  Emphasis will be on the nature and structure of youth gangs, drug use by juveniles and risk factors associated with youth violence.  Other issues may involve curfews, gun violence, victims of youth violence, and the over-representation of minority youth in the juvenile justice system.  Particular attention is paid to the role of family, peers and school.

SOC-544: Policing in Democratic Society

Police agencies play a critical role in a democratic society.  While seeking to maintain order, enforce the law and deliver services effectively, police agencies are held accountable to a wide variety of values by a number of powerful stakeholders.  Police leaders, managers and other personnel must understand the complexities of the police role in society, the political and legal constraints placed on them in addition to being experts in effective, evidence-based approaches to dealing with crime problems in the community.  By applying theory, policy and evaluation literature to the cutting-edge practices in the field, this course provides students with an advanced understanding in the field of police leadership, management, strategy and accountability within a democratic society.

SOC-552: Incarceration & Consequences

This course analyzes the theory, practices and policies of the American correctional system, covering the nature and administration of both institutional and community sanctions and agencies.  Students explore competing penal theories and review evidence on the effectiveness of correctional practices. The course investigates the historical development and evolution of imprisonment, trends in the use of
confinement, and the effects of incarceration on offenders, families and communities. Students analyze the characteristics of correctional populations and debate the causes and implication
of race, class and gender differences.  The course identifies significant current issues and reviews the ethical, legal and practical dimensions of proposals for reform.  Issues surrounding collateral  consequences when released will be examined as well.

SOC-555: Psychopathology in Criminal Justice

In this course, students will examine various psychological disorders and their impact on behavior, in particular in the association with criminal behavior. Students will identify patterns of psychopathy and sociopathy and other related disorders. Psychological interventions that have been determined to have empirical evidence in helping to reduce the symptoms of the various illnesses will be covered, including how to adapt them to various criminal justice settings. In particular, group therapy and cognitive-behavioral interventions commonly used in corrections settings will be discussed. Laws dealing with medication as well as laws associated with the management of violence will similarly be covered. Students will be expected to learn about the tools used by psychologists to conduct psychological research in mental illness and criminal behavior.

Required Prerequisites


SOC-570: Government Project and Implementation Management

This course explores the management of major one-time tasks or implementation of a major program in a government agency.  Examines the special managerial tools and studies as well as the challenges that apply to managing one-time or ongoing assignments, particularly where teams are involved. Major construction, implementation of new technology or policy, and redesigning and implementing organizational change are included.  This course will use case studies for real world applications.

SOC-571: Government Project Communications Management

This course examines the behavioral aspects of working effectively in the project or program domain.  We examine current philosophies of work around enhanced leadership, communication, conflict management, risk management, and negotiation skills, and the ability to organize, manage, and to produce efficient delivery from teams.  Use of media, including social media, print news and television will be discussed.  Good leadership is an important element when applied to project, risk, and program management, and this course identifies various styles of communication and conflict resolution that leaders can use.

SOC-575: Special Topics in Criminal Justice

Special topics in criminal justice research are examined.  Special topics courses are developed to cover emerging issues or specialized content and they do not repeat material presented by regular semester courses.