Transfer Admissions

Students under the age of 23 (including U.S. citizens, undocumented students, and international students on a student visa) who have attended a two-year or four-year degree- granting institution after graduating from high school apply for admission as a transfer student (a summer term before beginning college is an exception). Transfer students over the age of 23 should review the admissions section for Wings Students.

Transfer Admission Requirements and Application Review 

Transfer students may be admitted to Meredith at any point in their educational journey. Admission is based on academic records at the institution(s) from which they are transferring, writing skills, and potential for positively contributing to the Meredith community.

Transfer Students with 30 or more transferrable college credits:

Only grades of C or higher are considered as transferrable credit.

In order to be considered for transfer admission a student must:

  1. Submit a completed and signed application for Transfer Admission, including essay and courses in progress, with the non-refundable $40 application fee. The transfer application is available online.
  2. Have a minimum of 18 credit hours of transferrable credit hours that meet General Education requirements.
  3. Have an average grade of C or higher in all coursework attempted.
  4. Have a grade of C or higher in a college transferrable math course from an accredited institution, or have completed Algebra I, II, and Geometry or their equivalence in high school.
  5. Have official transcripts sent from all two-year or four-year institutions attended, regardless of whether credit was earned or whether you wish to apply the earned credit at Meredith. Transcripts from all institutions attended must be submitted.
  6. Be eligible to return to the last institution regularly attended in good standing.
  7. Submit the School Official Recommendation Form from the institution most recently attended. This form is part of the application for admission and is typically submitted by the Office of the Registrar.
  8. Recommendation(s) from a professor are recommended but not required.
  9. An interview with an admission counselor is strongly encouraged but not required. A visit and interview can be scheduled online at, by email at, or by calling the Office of Admissions at (919) 760-8581.

Transfer Students with 29 or fewer transferrable college credits must also meet first-year student admission requirements.

In addition to submitting the transfer application and non-refundable $40 application fee and meeting requirements 3-9 above, students must submit a high school transcript or High School Equivalency diploma, if applicable. SAT or ACT scores are optional.

Transfer Admission Deadlines

The priority deadline for transfer applications for the summer or fall semester is February 15; the priority application for the spring semester is November 15. After these dates, applications will be considered on a space-available basis. Residence Hall or Oaks Apartment space is limited. Apply for admission early.

Transfer of Credit

Official articulation of credit is conducted by the Office of the Registrar and in cooperation with the academic department of the student’s intended major. Information regarding transfer of credit and Meredith credit regulations is available as follows:

Transfer Student Admission Notification

Admission decisions are offered on a rolling basis after a review of all application credentials has been completed. Review of applications begins annually on August 15.

Transfer students admitted to the College must submit a non-refundable $300 deposit by March 1 for the summer term, May 1 for the fall term, or by December 1 for the spring term.

All offers of admission are contingent upon satisfactory completion of courses and a continuing record of good character. Meredith reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission for unsatisfactory academic performance or social behavior any time up to the date of enrollment.