The Honors Program is a dynamic academic experience offering a rigorous interdisciplinary course of study to gifted and motivated student scholars. The program provides challenging and innovative academic experiences for student scholars who want to elevate their learning. Honors students shape their own curriculum through common course work, individualized course projects, and in-depth research.
Honors students have a team of faculty advisors to support them through their academic adventures. Each Honors student is assigned an Honors academic advisor who is well acquainted with the program and its requirements. This advisor stays connected with the Honors student in addition to their in-major academic advisor. As the student embarks on their Honors thesis project, an advisor of their choosing, guides them through the thesis process. Honors students’ academic work is regularly featured in research presentations on and off campus. In addition to the academic course work, each year Honors students participate in a variety of off-campus cultural events and have an opportunity to enjoy a weekend Honors trip featuring place-based mini courses taught by dynamic campus faculty. The Honors program provides the framework for bright motivated students to seek out challenges to expand their power of thinking analytically, critically and creatively; to reach into the unknown and increase their knowledge; to stretch their imagination; to work collaboratively and improve their communication skills; to achieve a clear sense of life purpose and direction, and to develop as a substantial and authentic individual.
Accomplished students are invited to apply to the Honors Program at the time of admission to the College. A small number of students with outstanding academic performance in the fall semester are also invited to join the program in spring. Interested students — traditional, transfer, and Wings — should contact the Honors director.
The Honors Curriculum
The four-year Honors curriculum of 25-28 credit hours represents about one-fifth of the total number of credit hours required of all students for graduation at Meredith. The curriculum, which is designed to overlap with the student’s general education and major requirements, includes courses that expose them to the breadth of human knowledge as well as in-depth study in selected fields. Meredith faculty highly regard teaching Honors courses and consider it an opportunity to develop especially innovative learning experiences. Honors courses reflect the highest accomplishment in research, creativity, and thought at the College. A successful graduate of the Meredith College Honors Program will:
- Expand the intellectual depth and rigor of their academic program by challenging themself to delve deeper into course content both within their chosen discipline and across their general education curriculum;
- Develop an appreciation for culture and a disposition toward civic engagement through participation in cultural enrichment, travel and service;
- Demonstrate the ability to conceive, plan and execute a high quality research and/or creative project in the context of their chosen discipline and/or integrated across multiple disciplines.
Honors Requirements |
Credits | Description/Comments |
Honors writing course |
3 |
Taken in first year; builds community as well as writing skills of Honors students. Fulfills ENG-111 requirement. Met through Honors section of ENG-111 or, with permission, ENG-220, ENG-231, ENG-235, ENG-236, ENG-245, ENG-247, ENG-250, ENG-358, or ENG-361. |
Honors laboratory science |
1-4 |
Taken in first year; courses available in biology, chemistry and geoscience. |
Honors colloquia |
6 |
Interdisciplinary, occasionally team-taught explorations of a topic. Will meet selected general education requirements. 2, 3- credit hour courses. |
Honors in the major field |
6 |
May be fulfilled with Honors courses, contractual work for Honors credit in regular courses, or independent study. Honors students are encouraged to contract upper- division courses bearing the same prefix as their major. |
Honors electives |
6 |
Reflect student interests, may include Honors courses, colloquia, general education courses, contract work in regular courses, or independent study. May count toward general education. Participation in approved study abroad experience may be contracted for three of the six credit hours. Contracts must be approved by the Honors director prior to departure. |
Honors thesis |
3 |
Junior or Senior level project appropriate to major discipline (written thesis, laboratory research, performance). Should reflect scope of intellectual development. |
Total credit hours of Honors Requirements |
25-28 |
Satisfactory Progress in Honors
Honors students typically begin their program of study with the Honors writing course, Honors laboratory science and an Honors general education elective. Students progress through the curriculum by engaging in Honors work each year, including two interdisciplinary colloquia and Honors work within the academic major. The program of study culminates with a thesis or creative project and presentation. Retention in the program requires a minimum grade point average of 3.250 and completion of 2-3 Honors requirements per academic year. Following established policy, the Honors program does not accept grades below B for Honors credit in contracted courses, including the Honors thesis; and does not accept grades lower than C for Honors credit in non-contracted Honors courses, including colloquia, writing, labs, and Honors sections of elective courses, e.g. PSY-100. Students receive academic credit for any course passed. Students who complete all Honors requirements are recognized at graduation as Honors Scholars. The student’s transcript reflects this distinction and notes each Honors course completed. A minimum of 25 credit hours of Honors-related courses is required for graduation with Honors. For further information about the Honors program, please visit the Honors program website.