Data Science


DS-188: Special Topics in Data Science

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

DS-200: Introduction to Data Analysis

A general introduction to data analysis that covers a broad selection of methodologies for working with data. Topics will be chosen from sources of data, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, cleaning and preparing data, inference, and regression. Students will use statistical analysis technology. Particular topics related to analyzing data, such as ethics and communication of results are highlighted. 

Required Prerequisites

DS-210: Foundations of Data Science

Implementation of principles and techniques of data science, including advanced programming projects. Topics will be chosen from data visualization, data wrangling and cleaning, regression, classification, and clustering. Industry best practices, such as ethical decision-making and communication of results, will be discussed. 

Required Prerequisites

DS-288: Special Topics in Data Science

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

 Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

DS-299: Introduction to Data Science Research

This course will provide opportunities for freshmen and sophomores to participate in original research in data science. Students will submit findings in a written report and/or will give a presentation. Students will be expected to work approximately three hours per week on the research project for each semester hour of credit.

DS-388: Special Topics in Data Science

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

DS-450: Topics in Data Science

Topics chosen from current topics in data science. May be repeated for credit.

Required Prerequisites

Vary with the topics studies. 

DS-480: Data Science Internship

Supervised experience in business, governmental, or non-profit institutions where work is related to student interest in data science. May be repeated for a total of 3 credit hours. Pass/fail grading only.


Required Prerequisites

Instructor Consent Required.

DS-488: Special Topics in Data Science

Special topics course offered in response to student and faculty interest.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites vary with topic studied.

DS-498: Honors Thesis in Data Science

With a faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute an original research project in data science that will culminate in a paper and a presentation. The research project must meet Honors Program thesis requirements as well as the expectations of the faculty mentor.

Required Prerequisites

Senior or second semester Junior Standing in the Honors and/or Teaching Fellows Programs who are minoring in Data Science.

DS-499: Data Science Research

With a faculty mentor, the student will formulate and execute an original data science research project that will culminate in a paper and/or a presentation.

Required Prerequisites

Junior and Senior Standing minoring in Data Science or others with permission of the department.