Religious Life

Office of the Chaplain

Meredith College provides an environment that is supportive of all faith traditions and belief systems and places a high value on students’ development both intellectually and spiritually. The Chaplain offers guidance for religious programming on campus as well as pastoral care and spiritual coaching.

In a world often divided by religious tensions, the Chaplain values interfaith dialogue, understanding and friendship. There is an interfaith meditation room in the chapel for community use, and the Chaplain organizes interfaith dialogue experiences.  The Chaplain values exploring difference, honoring all humanity, and serving others together. 

The Chaplain advises Sisters United, a student service group that supports girls and women locally and abroad. The work addresses topics like girls education in the developing world (the Chaplain led service trips to Belize, Central America and Ghana, West Africa and currently has a pen pal program with girls in Honduras), sexual assault, human trafficking, menstrual health, domestic violence and others. Supporting girls locally, the office runs Mentoring Angels, partnering girls from the Raleigh nonprofit Loaves and Fishes with Meredith mentors, meeting weekly on campus and utilizing the research of the top mentor academic in the country, Dr. Jean Rhodes from UMASS Boston.  

Recognizing that many college students face financial pressures, the Office of the Chaplain organizes and operates The Daisy Trade, our campus food and toiletry pantry. There are four locations: the chapel kitchen, Martin room 123, and two outdoor kiosks.  In addition, the Chaplain oversees the Student Emergency Fund. 

The Chaplain and Department of History, Political Sciences, International Studies & Religious Studies also host renowned scholars on campus to address pertinent issues in the field of religion