Non-Degree Students

Non-degree students are those who have not been formally admitted into a degree program but who wish to enroll in courses offered by the College. Non-degree students are limited to a maximum course load of 11 credit hours per semester (including summer), and are limited to a maximum of 30 credit hours as a non-degree seeking student. Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid. Students seeking admission as a non-degree student should submit a Non-Degree Application for Admission available in the Office of the Registrar or online.

The Registrar will serve as the academic advisor for non-degree students.

Non-degree students wishing to become degree-seeking candidates must formally apply for admission and meet regular admission requirements to the College. Completion of non- degree course work does not guarantee admission to the College.

Visiting Students

A student who has authorization for credit at Meredith from another college may register for courses with credit. The statement of authorization obtained from their home institution should be sent to the Registrar. The student can register one week before the opening day of the term in the Office of the Registrar. Contact the Office of the Registrar at

International Visitors

International students at institutions outside the United States with which Meredith has exchange programs may, with the authorization of the home institution and in accordance with Meredith policy, enroll at Meredith as visiting students. Such students will file a special application and the required academic records and financial statement through the Office of Admissions. When the student is cleared for exchange visitor status, the college will issue a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20) for the student to use in applying for a student visa. An international visitor will have a designated faculty advisor and will register along with transfer students.

Part-time Students

A part-time student is one who is degree-seeking and enrolls in 11 credit hours or less per semester. Part-time students must meet regular application and admission requirements.

Post-baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Only

A student with a baccalaureate degree from another institution who is seeking a North Carolina teaching license through Meredith College should apply for admission through the Department of Education. Candidates must submit an application and an official transcript. Upon admission, the candidate will receive guidance from faculty in the Education department concerning course selection and registration. Candidates must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of course work at Meredith, which may include additional courses in general education and will include courses in the specific licensure areas and in professional education.

Teacher Licensure Renewal Students

A licensed public school teacher who enters Meredith for credit to be applied toward renewal of licensure requirements may register for courses with credit. Evidence of licensure should be submitted in advance to the Registrar. The student will receive guidance from faculty in Education concerning course selection and registration.

Resident Teacher Licensure

Resident teachers seeking an affiliate teacher education program in elementary education, special education, English as a second language, or health & physical education will find information in the Meredith College Graduate Catalogue and are encouraged to contact the Department of Education.

Senior Scholars Program

High school senior women in the local area who are ready to undertake college-level study may enroll as special students in courses at Meredith. A student approved for participation in the Senior Scholars Program may attend classes for college credit in the fall and/or spring of their senior year.

Applicants must submit:

  1. Senior Scholar Application, available online.
  2. $40 Application fee (non-refundable)
  3. Official transcript
  4. Official SAT or ACT Report (Optional)
  5. School Official Report
  6. Essay

Admission to Meredith as a Senior Scholar does not guarantee admission as a degree-seeking student following high school graduation.

Senior Scholars who earn a grade of A or B in all classes taken as a Senior Scholar and subsequently enroll as a degree-seeking student immediately following high school graduation will be awarded a Senior Scholar Scholarship that is equivalent to the cost of the coursework taken as a Senior Scholar. The Senior Scholar Scholarship is awarded one time.

Meredith Faculty, Staff, and Administration 

Members of the Meredith College faculty, staff, or administration may register for courses as non-degree students. Applicants may submit a registration form provided by the College to the Office of the Registrar beginning one week prior to the start of the term.

Post-Baccalaureate Second Major/Second Minor Students 

A student who holds a baccalaureate degree and who is not interested in completing a second degree from Meredith may register for courses for credit as a non-degree student. This student completes a non-degree application in the Office of the Registrar beginning one week prior to the start of the term.

A student who wishes to fulfill the requirements of a second major or minor (but not a full second-degree program) should contact the Office of the Registrar for information about application procedures and advising. A conference in the department of choice must be arranged by the end of the drop-add period and preferably prior to the first day of class. When the application and advising processes are completed before the end of the pre-registration period, a student seeking a second major or minor will be allowed to pre-register for classes. Please see information about admission requirements for second degree students and academic requirements.

Summer Session

Newly enrolled students beginning a degree program in the fall term as well as those previously enrolled at Meredith may enroll in summer course-work. Students, male and female from other colleges and universities may also apply and enroll as non-degree seeking students. Registration materials are available in the Office of the Registrar.