CD-410: Death, Dying, and Bereavement in Pediatric Settings

Class Program
Credits 3
Instructional Method

An overview of current research related to issues and processes surrounding death and bereavement when working with families and children in healthcare environments. Students will examine concepts from cultural, psychosocial, and theoretical perspectives, while investigating the impact of death, dying, and bereavement on family, child, and community.  Students will explore the states of grief, and apply them using family systems and developmental theory, with a focus on patient/family-centered-care.  Students will examine memento creation, therapeutic and legacy building activities, while also identifying resources and tools for children and families that promote positive coping skills and strategies throughout the death and bereavement process.  Aspects of life-threatening chronic illness will also be addressed.  This course primarily focuses on death, dying, and bereavement in pediatric care, however, community aspects will also be considered.


Required Prerequisites

CD-220 and CD-224, or by permission of instructor.

Semester Offered
Fall, Even-Numbered Years Only