Advanced Standing Credit

Evaluation of Credit

A student approved for admission with advanced standing receives a credit evaluation from the Office of the Registrar. The evaluation reflects credits transferred and general education requirements met. Meredith uses a 4.0 quality point average: A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, and D=1.0. Other units of credit are converted to semester credit hours. Credit received for courses transferred or received by advanced placement are not calculated in the grade point average.

Advanced Placement and Credit

Admitted students who have completed the equivalent of college-level study through dual credit high school courses, early or middle college high schools, independent study, or any other means may seek advanced placement and credit at Meredith. Competency in a subject area can be established through satisfactory performance on one of the following tests:

  • A special departmental examination administered at Meredith
  • Advanced Placement (AP) examination of The College Board
  • General examination or a subject examination of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) of The College Board
  • An International Baccalaureate (IB) examination Credits awarded for advanced placement credit are detailed in the Credit Options and Restrictions section.

Credit for Extra-Institutional Instruction

The student who has completed the equivalent of college-level study through participation in formal instruction or the passing of formal examinations sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, the military, and unions may seek advanced placement and credit at Meredith. Guidelines published by the American Council on Education are used by the Office of the Registrar and the appropriate department head to decide upon credit given. In some instances, departmental examinations are used to determine credit. A maximum of 15 credit hours may be awarded for extra-institutional instruction.